GRANT CONSULTATION SERVICES ** Developing New Government Grants Law Enforcement Solutions can
assist you in determining what Federal and/or State grant funding is available and is best suited to meet your agency's need.
We then deliver a completed grant application package written specifically for your agency. ** Reviewing
Grant Proposals Law Enforcement Solutions can review a grant written by your agency and critically assess the grant
to ensure it adheres to the federal or foundation guidelines, and provide independent feedback on its findings. Implementing
LE Solutions recommendations can greatly improve the grant's fundability. ** Research and Evaluation
Most funding sources now require evaluations as part of their grant proposal or application process. They often want an
independent, competent, and experienced evaluator or evaluation team to observe and document what works and what does not
work. ** Administering Grants Once a grant is funded, we can provide a variety of services to
assist you in successfully implementing your grant and avoiding audit exceptions. Our primary support has been the interpretation
of funding guidelines and development of progress reports. ** Developing Foundation & Corporate Concept
Papers There are over 52,000 foundations and corporate giving programs in the United States. These programs award
millions of dollars annually to innovative programs.
SOURCES OF FEDERAL and STATE GRANT FUNDING ** Criminal Justice Grants ** Byrne Formula Grant
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program Grant
Police Corp Program Bulletproof Vest Program ** Highway Safety Grants **
** Juvenile Justice Grants ** Formula Grant Title V Local Delinquency Prevention Grant Challenge
Grant Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant ** Victims of Crime Grants ** State
Victims Assistance Program Violence Against Women Act Victims of Crime Act